I Am Now Out of Thyme

And I never liked those dishes anyway

Catherine Oceano
The Shortform


A white-hulled power boat sits in a shipyard. A ladder is propped up to the side and it is held up by metal supports.
Photo credit: author, Catherine Oceano

Today our boat needed to be delivered to a shipyard. My son opted to go with my husband. This turned out to be a good plan.

Why you might ask?

The day promised rain. A strong wind was in the forecast. Not enough to be dangerous, just uncomfortable. It turned out to be more than that.

Partway through the day my son sent a video. The boat was rolling from side to side and there had been an almighty crash.

Below deck, my entire spice cupboard and one containing dishes had emptied onto the floor. The contents of the counter were there too. Luckily the honey had crystalized and the egg carton was empty.

The captain couldn’t leave the wheel so my son investigated. It was quite a dramatic mess.

The jars that broke contained protein powder and thyme.

The dishes; I never like them anyway.

Disaster at sea averted.



Catherine Oceano
The Shortform

old but not dead, mother, partner, grandmother, writer, Canadian Become a Medium member and support great writers like me.