I Applied This Trick And Escaped Writer’s Block

Sanchari Pait
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2023


Photo by Pedro Araújo on Unsplash

Often find yourself staring into a blank page with no ideas to write on?

I’m going to talk about something that helped me fully overcome this.

Here’s how:

Every time an idea strikes my little head, I capture it and put it on my notes without wasting another second! This way, it can’t escape me!

I do this every time I can think of something to build on.

I’ve been using the Notion app. You could use any note-taking app or a simple pocket notebook to do this.

This way, I have a repository of ideas at all times.

When I feel like there’s nothing to write about, I flip open my notes, pick one of those ideas and build on it.

In fact, this article was written the same way! I thought of this idea while responding to Pietro Meloni on one of his comments. Thanks, Pietro! :D



Sanchari Pait
The Shortform

Writes about actionable self-improvement, travel, art & books