I Dare You Can’t Do This 1 Thing

No woman can, nor man, or anyone ever.

The Shortform


I dare you to change the past.

I dare you to change what you had for breakfast, to change that argument you had with your partner last week, to change the bullying you suffered in high school.

I will bet a million dollars on it because I know you can’t. It’s impossible.

Now, I dare you to change the future.

I dare you to change what you will have for breakfast tomorrow, not to have an argument with your spouse tonight, to stand up to your work colleague who has been bullying you for months.

I dare you to do that but I won’t put any money on it because I know you can.

The future is so malleable. The majority of our future reality is dependent on us.

Like a jukebox, life requires a coin and a choice of music.

Choose what you want to dance to.

The Author



The Shortform

I believe YOLO, but not in the hippie dare devil kind of way, although I am a bit of a hippie on most days, and I dare to go up against my fears often.