I Did Something That Steve Jobs Couldn’t Do

It didn’t make me a billionaire, but it’s a start

Kim Downey
The Shortform


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Hello. My name is Kim, and I’m a koumpounophobe.

A what now?

A koumpounophobe. It means that I’m afraid of… buttons.

Uh… buttons?

Yep. Buttons.

And before you say, “Wow, you’re really weird, Kim,” I’ll tell you something: Steve Jobs himself was also a koumpounophobe.

Which makes me… well, still pretty weird.

As some readers may remember, I recently purchased a button-down shirt in the interest of resembling Jennifer Connolly in Maverick. However, I wasn’t entirely confident I would wear it.

Update: I wear it! And it makes me look exactly like Jennifer Connolly!

I do leave it unbuttoned. Also, I’m kind of okay with brand-new buttons as long as no one else touches them.

So take that, Steve Jobs (may you rest). I’m a little less weird than you.



Kim Downey
The Shortform

Sober. Curious. (But not sober-curious, just sober. And curious.). Mother. TV and film fan. Writer. I run, eat, watch hummingbirds, think, learn, and grow.