I Don’t Want Clients

This is what I want instead.

Joy Taiwo
The Shortform
Dec 20, 2023


Photo by Fred Moon on Unsplash

I want freedom

Having clients means you have to be present.

It means you have to meet people.

You have to meet their needs now.

Having clients means if you don’t show up, you don’t earn.

Having clients means you’re always somehow tied to work.

You’re always trying to get back to work.

I want to stop trading my time for money

I want to put out a piece of work and earn money repeatedly from that work.

I want to create something once and sell it over and over again.

I don’t want how much money I make to be determined by how many people I interact with per hour.

I want to be able to confidently go away to care for myself or my loved ones, knowing I am still earning money.

I don’t want clients.



Joy Taiwo
The Shortform

Highly Sensitive Person (Introvert). Certified in Psychological First-Aid