
I Kept My New Year’s Resolution and Enjoyed Delicious Results

It took more than sixty years to try.

Verbieann Hardy
The Shortform


Few things hold as much meaning as food. It is nutrition but it evokes culture and tradition.

This new Year, I resolved to include the dishes of Guyana — a land of six races whose cuisines combine to tantalize the taste buds of every continent.

Indentured laborers from India introduced curry and paratha roti to South America. No party was complete without it cooked by our Indian friends.

This year will have many challenges as I envisage brain surgery, so I decided to learn to make this dish from YouTube. The verdict is in. My critical Guyanese taster was satisfied. Hopefully, I’ll make roti once monthly.

It is a promising start. Today, I chose my challenge. Tomorrow, life will choose for me. Whatever happens, I will seek practical advice, follow instructions, and find success.

Nothing disastrous will happen if we fail. We can always try again.



Verbieann Hardy
The Shortform

Striving to follow Jesus. I write about life, faith, and relationships as I age with grateful grit. Please support my work through stories.