I Like the Warmth, and I Cannot Lie

I live in Berlin, and each time the winter starts approaching, I head out.

the vagrant Surfer
The Shortform
1 min readOct 13, 2023


Photo by Melanie Andersen on Unsplash

My friends call me out for cheating on Berlin’s winter. But what can I do? I love the warmth, and I cannot lie.

Most people just accept things as they are. They hate it, but they stick with it anyway. On the gray days of Berlin’s winter, its citizens are walking around with a grumpy face, not realizing how pissed they are about being 6 months without sunlight. Why would you do this to yourself if you don’t have to?

Just do it like the birds and fly south. They don’t give a damn; why should you?

Remote work makes it possible. Just step out of your comfort zone and silence the doubts.

Live your selfish, awesome lifestyle, no matter what everybody else says, and celebrate the sun.

