I Miss Xanga

CL Huth
The Shortform
Published in
Jan 16, 2022


The 10-Day Shortform Challenge: Day 5

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay

Back in 2001, a friend invited me to a blogging network site. Blogging was newish, yes, but what was the point of writing about your life to a group of strangers?

I felt seen, heard and accepted by people who were like me. I met my IRL best friend on Xanga, and it was the first move I made to a new duty station where I already knew people. I had friends — real friends — all over the country who celebrated the birth of my children and supported me through my divorce.

But after its untimely demise post-migration to Wordpress, I mourned the connection I’d felt there. All the other social platforms gained a foothold, but it hasn’t been the same.



CL Huth
The Shortform

Award-winning author of the Zoe Delante Thriller series (www.readzoe.com), mother, nerd, and the biggest cheerleader you’ll ever have on your side. #paranormal