I Said Yes to Fostering a Puppy

Yiqing Zhao
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readSep 28, 2021


Photo by Erin Minuskin on Unsplash

I became a foster dog mom earlier this year, and have saved 3 adult dogs. When it came to puppies, I was hesitant — because of the work, the hours, and the attachment.

This time I said yes, and within a week Lucy changed my life.

I used up a whole bag of pee pads, 3 rolls of paper towels, and threw away three toys that were destroyed by her.

Yet, this experience is expanding me in a way never imagined. It makes me look into myself and ask: “Are you resisting or avoiding? Or are you committing and taking responsibility?”

I said yes to all of it — the mess, and the joy. The more I can accept the mess, the more I can embrace the joy.

Need an extra push to go above and beyond? Hang out with me on Instagram.

