I Use Shortform To Overcome Anxiety

And keep writing.

Maria Valevsky
The Shortform
Sep 8, 2021


Photo by Dazzle Jam from Pexels

“Calm down. You know it’s not writer’s block. You’re just scared”

When I’m feeling anxious, I turn to shortform. Both genre and publication.
Shortform helps me to find my writing groove when I am overwhelmed. It shows me there is always a place for my writing, even when I can’t produce a 2,000 words story.

Shortform reminds us that you can always write 150 words. About the weather outside your window. About a restaurant you love. Or about writing 150 words.

Shortform is my true savior. I don’t do it for the sake of publishing every day. I do it because shortform is fun. It’s a mini-story that requires only a couple of minutes but stays with your reader. It makes them think or feel something. It makes an impact.
Even if it’s a small one.



Maria Valevsky
The Shortform

Writer | Exploring the Worlds of Mental Health, Culture & Media | Twitter/Instagram @mariavalevsky