If Monet Had Come to New England

Now I know what he would have painted….

Sandy Gold
The Shortform


Photo by Thomas Dils on Unsplash

The dog needed to go out.

I was still half asleep when I stumbled down the stairs to let him into the yard.

I forgot to grab a sweatshirt.

I forgot to put my glasses on.

I stood, shivering on my back deck, while the dog sniffed, looking for his perfect spot.

The trees lining our yard had exploded with color over the past few days. Fall foliage had peaked. Each leaf it’s own shape, size, and hue, coming together to create a breathtaking backdrop.

But, without my glasses, all I saw were dots of color.

It occurred to me that if Monet had come to New England to paint the scenery, this is what he’d have put down on canvas.



Sandy Gold
The Shortform

I’m an educator, an advocate for inclusion, an avid reader, and a mother struggling to adjust to being an empty nester. IG:@sandygoldcoaching