If You Are Confident, You Can Achieve Hard Things

Yasir K.
The Shortform
Published in
Jan 24, 2024
Image by storyset on Freepik

You may have acquired degrees. You are talented, but if you don’t believe in your abilities, you’ll stay behind.

Two Lessons From My Life

  1. I have been a talented writer and my colleagues have been less skilled than me but because of their confidence, their salaries are higher than mine.
  2. For one year I thought I wasn’t capable of building an audience, the fear has been stopping me.

Because I thought I was incapable I didn’t demand more salary or try to write online.

But now I am confident, I believe in my abilities, demand more salary, and write online consistently.

The more you are confident, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the more skilled you get.

With confidence and passion to keep learning, you climb even the steep mountains.



Yasir K.
The Shortform

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