I’m Following 999 People

(And I don’t know who will be my 1000th)

Brett Millan
The Shortform


An image from 999 to 1000. Following 1000 people on Medium.
Image created by author

Last week, I clicked “follow” and suddenly noticed I was following 999 fellow writers.

For some reason, the thought of clicking “follow” on the 1000th person has become an important decision.

I know — that’s silly.

There is no magical difference between the 999th or 1001st and the 1000th person to follow, but some numbers become significant.

Because of that, during the past four days, I have not followed anyone new. Instead, I have saved the articles I have really enjoyed and am now deciding who will be the 1000th person I follow.

I can only chalk the delay to certain numbers gaining more significance in my mind than they should.

Nevertheless, I’ve resolved tomorrow will be the day I click on the 1000th fellow writer.

The mental debate has gone on long enough.



Brett Millan
The Shortform

I’m a curious person, who pursues different interests, from Anthropology to Writing to Education and also Business/Finance. I love to share perspectives.