I’m Getting New Views on Lots of Old Medium Stories — Whazup?

Gary L Ellis
The Shortform
Published in
Nov 11, 2022


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I’ve talked about the importance of publishing Evergreen stories before. Those are topics that live a longer life because they are always relevant.

Now and again, a response will appear in my notifications on an article that’s a couple of months old.


I’ve recently been having several old stories ringing my notification 🔔! (ding, ding)

That’s happy music to my ears because so many writers are bitching about how much harder it has become to get their stories seen and read.

Maybe it’s a fluke. Maybe not. The “Why” is probably above my pay grade and if I knew, they’d have to kill me. 😄

I hope it keeps up.

Has anybody else noticed more responses, lately, on older stories you’ve published?

This inquiring mind wants to know.



Gary L Ellis
The Shortform

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!