I’m Giving Up Novel Writing to be a Rebel

Writing 50,000 words without a storyline

Lynne Collier
The Shortform
Published in
Sep 21, 2022


A blank screen on a laptop with coffee and notepad beside it.
Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

It’s almost October, and that means NaNo Prep time! I spent October frantically world-building, character-developing, outlining, and deciding who died. I was a NaNoWriMo novelist.

Last year, I discovered I didn’t need to write a novel, just 50,000 words. I wrote four short stories instead. But this year, I’m doing something more revolutionary.

This year I’ll be a NaNo Rebel!

Yes, it’s allowed. I wrote my plan in an earlier post.

I plan to write thirty or more articles and personal essays. They’ll be four themes, one for each week in November.

If you have a rebellious streak, join me. Leave a comment. I’ll look for you in November!

Lynne Collier



Lynne Collier
The Shortform

Writer of stories and poetry. Christ follower. Yorkshire lass living in Ontario. Author of 16 books. Loves gardening. https://lynnecollier.com/my-books/