I’m Not Saying I Got Taylor Swift Tickets

But I just might end up seeing her, even if it costs me my reputation

Bob Merckel
The Shortform


tons of fans at a concert put on by not Taylor Swift
Totally Not Tay Tay by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

I am saying my personal trainer’s girlfriend did. He couldn’t give 2 mierdas about it, nor did he want to go to Lisbon for the concert, not even in his wildest dreams.

Being the anti-hero I am, and not wanting any bad blood between them, I said I would be enchanted to take on this champagne problem — especially if he came down with the flu next May. Or had a sudden emergency. Or broke his leg and was in a cast until August, which could turn 2024 into a very cruel summer.

“She’d have more fun with you anyway,” he said.

Long story short, I need to get started on my “Look What You Made Me Do: 10 Ways to Accidentally Break Someone’s Leg” series.

Because you know—listicles never go out of style.



Bob Merckel
The Shortform

Editor: Age of Empathy, The Memoirist | English teacher/language consultant in Barcelona and Provincetown.