Implement These Two Strategies If You Suck At Discipline

Recalibrate how you approach goals

Destiny S. Harris
The Shortform


Photo: Unsplash, Sebastiaan Stam

These are the vegetables, so what am I getting for dessert?

Our lapses in discipline often come when we aren’t connected to our goals. The question above will remind you why you’re exercising uncomfortable discipline: to reach a specific outcome. To be disciplined means to accept discomfort so you can benefit in the future. Disciplined behavior is the vegetables; the payoff is the dessert. But it’s easy to falter if you forget what your payoff is (Peter Hollins).

Avoid Faltering With 2 Strategies

  1. Review the reason behind your goal frequently because you will want to give in to the path of least resistance at times; it’s human nature.
  2. Ensure your objective is worth the reward.

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