Infinite Scrolling Is Killing Dreams

Countless people already wrote it, I know, yet we still scroll

Luca Vettor
The Shortform


Photo by Allec Gomes on Unsplash

This short article is an outburst.

Time is precious. Time is never enough.

Burning hours by scrolling social media timelines is silly.

Seeking satisfaction in scrolling through images of fake lives is a sickness.

Switching the brain off has nothing to do with rest and is detrimental.

There is a very long journey to take between knowing what the right thing is and doing it. Perhaps it's a journey that is not only long but a trip to be done over and over again.

Is this why I still waste time with social media?

I hate myself when I realize that I’ve spent half an hour scrolling Instagram.

I hate myself when I kill my dreams.

I uninstall Instagram once again.



Luca Vettor
The Shortform

My 24 years in the IT industry and physics degree flow into my mission: simplify what appears complex.