Internal Conflict Fuels My Creativity

It can fuel yours too

Kacy O'Brien
The Shortform
Apr 14, 2022


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When I start something new, like writing an article, things get messy.

At first it’s exciting. Then, I want to quit.

Why? I’m human.

When we start something new, we leave the past behind and step into a new reality.

The “in-between” moment is where internal conflict arises.

You’ve left the old behind, but the new isn’t here yet.

You’ve started to write, but haven’t hit publish.

You’ve started a business, but no clients yet.

Can I do this? Am I good enough? Who am I becoming? Can I make it? Will I fail?

This can be hard. But this process also fuels creativity. Gives birth to new ideas.

In this space of internal conflict, we get to ask new questions — and receive new answers.

We’re gifted inspiration. And then we hit publish.

Et Voilà. Creativity.



Kacy O'Brien
The Shortform

Loving Wife | Storyteller | Making Sense of this thing called "life"