International Day of Charity (September 5, 2024)

The death anniversary of GREAT Mother Teresa.

Arslan Mirza
The Shortform



Do you think charity is just about giving money?

That’s what everyone thinks.

But there’s more to it. Real charity is when you show up for someone when you actually care.

On this International Day of Charity, maybe you don’t just throw a few bucks to some faceless organization and call it a day.

Maybe, instead, you spend an hour helping someone who’s struggling, listen to their story, and share a bit of your time.

Time is everything.

Money is nice, but time? That’s the real luxury most people crave.

This day is your reminder:

Be more human. Show up. Help someone without expecting anything in return. Charity is a connection.

And the funny thing? When you give without expecting, life tends to return the favor in surprising ways.

That’s the beauty of it.

Before you leave,👏 💬 — means a lot.



Arslan Mirza
The Shortform

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