Invest in Yourself

Become a Surfer

the vagrant Surfer
The Shortform
1 min readAug 8, 2023


Photo by Thomas Ashlock on Unsplash

Hope is futile. You’re never going to be a billionaire, and you don’t need to be.

Becoming a billionaire is not going to make you happy. It will not make your life easier.

Invest in yourself: Become a surfer

The waves are free. You only need a surfboard.

The practice of surfing improves your health and extends your lifespan. It will strengthen your muscles and keep you fit in old age.

The therapeutic effect of surfing will alleviate your stress.

It will teach you humility and free you from our pathological human greed.

You learn to control your human instincts.

Surfing can even take away your fear. If you get caught in a barrel, you might see your life flash in front of your eyes, and when you make it out, you will feel reborn.

Learn how to surf. It might change your life.

