Is It Possible To Miss Your Calling In Life?

Matt Legg
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readMay 12, 2022


Photo by Kentaro Toma on Unsplash

We all know hard work and determination pay off. But is it possible to be so focused on one goal that we miss the opportunities right in front of us?

I want to be a writer, but so far I haven’t made any money writing. My cooking career, although I hate it, keeps evolving.

I’m now torn between what I want to do and the only thing I know how to do.

Am I missing the chance to be a great chef because I want to be a writer?

We all need a way to support ourselves and we all need goals to work towards. The other thing we all need to do is be aware of ourselves and our actions.

The thing you’re searching for could be right under your nose.



Matt Legg
The Shortform

I write about Life and my journey of self discovery. Hopefully it will help you too.