Is Your Soul Decaying?

Karina Pawlak
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readFeb 29, 2024


Prehistoric Mermaid. 2024. Karina + StarryAI

A sign that your soul is decaying is the presence of resentment. Not fleeting and in regard to small matters (although it may start this way), but an ever present and dominating sentiment of bitter resentfulness towards everything and everyone.

It shows up as spite, bitterness, and a wish to punish everyone including the baby who dared to cry in the supermarket line.

If resentment and bitterness is your dominant sentiment, take it as a sign to look within. It is time for self-reflection.

This video explains what happens if you don’t live authentically:



Karina Pawlak
The Shortform

Philosopher. Artist. Powerlifter. Author of Lifting Weights & Growing Organs.