It Must Be Springtime

The 2024 season? Challenges ahead, but still hope

The Shortform
Published in
Apr 12, 2024


Cherry blossoms framing the Washington Monument (Author photo)\

Springtime. Season of rebirth and renewal. Season of hope.

This year, in addition to the cherry blossoms and sunlit fountains and melting ice cream cones, Spring brought us a rare new gift.

(Author photo, taken before toe-dipping)
(Author photo, taken in haste)

We got to watch the sun and moon do their planetary dance. It brought a reminder of one more possibility: reunity.

For a few minutes or a few hours on April 8, millions of Americans didn’t care what the politics, peculiarities or skin color of their neighbors happened to be. We all simply turned into specks inhabiting the same little planet in one vast universe.

Partial eclipse seen from a San Franciso balcony (Author photo)

Maybe someday there will be a season of peace.



The Shortform

Lifelong newspaper & magazine writer, author, blogger at, agitator for justice, kindness & interfaith understanding.