It’s NOT “Mostly Genetics”!

Our genes do not control our biology — Dr. Bruce Lipton

You, Me and Happiness
The Shortform


Portrait Photo of Shocked Woman in Blue T-shirt Standing In front of White Background
Image created by author in Canva from a Pexels stock image by Andrea Piacquadio

Are you using this language about your genes?

At the doctor’s office, we fill out forms like historians recounting all the terrible diseases of generations before.

“My grandfather had diabetes,” we say.

“It’s in my genes!” or “It’s mostly genetics”

If your fear and belief are strong enough and consistent over time, be sure you will manifest an illness you don’t want.

It’s physics.

There’s the proof, you’ll say!

The only proof there is, that you attracted this with your thoughts and focus.

Your DNA is a blueprint.

Your read-out of this blueprint is based on the environment, not the genes.

If you want to learn about genes or epigenetics follow the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton.

I dedicated this poem to him.

About the author



You, Me and Happiness
The Shortform

Helen Müller | Writing to inspire Conscious Living | Helping 🔝Entrepreneurs Be Happy ➜ 🌐