It’s Not You. It’s Me.

Accepting that I am the problem can be daunting, but is necessary

Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
The Shortform


Picture showing an unhappy woman that depicts how bad it feels when your loved ones ignore you, until they need you. You may be the problem if you do not let them know. What if you are the problem in your relationship?
Photo by Luriko Yamaguchi from Pexels

‘Is there a problem?’


But, there is a problem. I do not appreciate how you ignore me. Well, until you need me.

I recently read this article — If You Do These 10 Things, You’re the Problem in Your Relationship. It listed You go silent instead of talking about your feelings.

What if I am the problem after all? Because I do not talk about how you ignoring me pisses me off.

Being the problem may not mean being a bad person. It may just mean you are doing something wrong. Like being too good to a fault.

You should do these instead.

  • Be honest about how your feelings are affecting your life
  • Find a comfortable means of communication. And speak up.



Blessing Oluchukwu Awamba
The Shortform

I write about life; as I experience it, as I know it; as it could be better.