It’s Time for Parents and Grandparents to Join the Revolution

The people of Palestine and worldwide campus uprisings are leading the way


Photo by Marc Pell on Unsplash

Watching worldwide student protests and loving responses from Gaza, I’m feeling hopeful for the first time in a while. I’m grateful these young people put their lives on hold to stand with Palestine.

It’s time for the parents and grandparents of the world to let go of hate and fear and join this Revolution of Love!

Our children and grandchildren are demanding a just and joyful future for ALL. They deserve our admiration and support.

We must put our egos to rest and set our imaginations free. We too can evolve beyond the false stories that trap us. When we stand together, we have the collective power to transform everything. We can heal each other and our ailing planet.

Forget pointless elections designed to perpetuate corrupt political and economic systems. Let’s compost the supremacist roots of imperialism and empire.

Together we can cultivate the future we all want and need.



Gail Marie Valker, Revolutionary Mama 🕊️🌱
The Shortform

Dreaming of a future where instead of having the right to pursue happiness, people everywhere have enough and live in peace and harmony with Nature.