Joe Biden Says He Is Against Making America Great Again

Does he know he is dividing America?

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The Shortform


Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

It seems Joe Biden doesn’t realize the negative statements he makes against every law-abiding American who believes in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

He ran his 2020 presidential campaign on uniting America. However, in his first two years of degrading Americans, he has divided us more than ever.

We all know that MAGA is an acronym for Making America Great Again. So watch how he admits his hatred for everything we stand for:

Forgetful Voters

It’s interesting how quickly people forget crucial issues when voting. For example, when Biden campaigned in the 1988 Democratic Party primaries, he had to withdraw when newspapers revealed he plagiarized his law school records and speeches. Yet, somehow he made it to the White House in 2020.



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