Lessons For Your Writing Life

Clear, positive, achievable, goals

The Shortform
Sep 18, 2022


Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash

A great attraction of the writing life, is its uncertainty.

We can plan our lives, but there’s never certainty that even the best-laid plans will work out.

After fifty years of trying, my writing life is probably heading in the direction I’d hoped. But there have been many unplanned and unexpected developments — some, but not all have been beyond my control.

How do we cope with these unplanned events? Hopefully, even the most serious setbacks do not deter us from trying to achieve our writing ambitions.

It’s important to have goals. Short-term, medium and long-term. Waymarks on your life-long writing journey. Make them clear, positive and achievable.

Having trodden this path, they will be invaluable allies to enhancing the quality and success of your writing life and beyond.



The Shortform

Writer, Expired Honorary Law Professor, Life Coach, Interested Observer from the Boomer Generation