Let Go of What You Can’t Change and Focus on What You Can Control

There’s a lot you can do, actually

Dr. Roopleen
The Shortform


Focus on what you can control
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

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Too many people waste too much time – and energy – trying to control things beyond their sphere of influence.

You cannot control how others behave, nor can you predict how your life will unfold. Worrying about them is a futile exercise.

Instead, focus your attention on things that are within your control and can alter your life.

Here are ten things you can always control:

  1. When you will start taking action on your goals.
  2. How you would react when someone says something nasty.
  3. How you would cope with setbacks.
  4. The effort you put into your work.
  5. Your daily habits and routines.
  6. How do you manage your time.
  7. The content you consume.
  8. What you eat and how fit you get.
  9. The amount of effort you invest in personal growth.
  10. The kindness you show towards others.

A simple change of mindset can make you feel empowered and turn your life around.



Dr. Roopleen
The Shortform

6X Top Writer on Medium | Author of 6 books | 4X LinkedIn Top Voice | 2.7M views on Quora | Fitness enthusiast I I write on personal development and motivation