Life or Death?

Words I was dying for

Pavan kumar
The Shortform
3 days ago


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash:

I had been biting my nails for 32 minutes straight - I always keep my stopwatch on.

One more time I touched my chest; my shirt was wet. Beads of sweat had gathered around my wrist, still sore. The winters were always frigid here.

A spiral of darkness was sucking me into its depth. What had led me to this point? I always had a passion for running. Runners have strong legs, and an even stronger heart.

It was a dark, dark day. My chest was still hurting. The staff came at 10:30 am. I stood up and rushed to him.

“My reports?”

“ Mr Pavan kumar?”


“ You have a problem with acid reflux. All your reports are normal.”




Pavan kumar
The Shortform

Peace of mind is the most valuable treasure of all.I wandered all around in search of it.It is within me that I found it.