Life, Tech, Future, and Fate: Exploring Humorous Takes on Existence and Technology

How Reality Mimics a Simulation

Yogesh Malik
The Shortform
May 5, 2024


Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

Life is a glitch in the simulation, and tech just patches it up.

Fate is a cruel developer — always updating the wrong features.

Wisdom is a software update nobody asked for.

Morality is the Terms Of Service agreement everyone scrolls past.

Death is just life’s way of saying “log off.”

Reality is that annoying pop-up ad in the game of life.

Time is the free trial that expires way too soon.

Future is a tech support that never answers on the first ring.

Fear is the forgotten password to happiness.

Love is the premium version we all think we can’t afford.



Yogesh Malik
The Shortform

Exponential Thinker, Lifelong Learner #Digital #Philosophy #Future #ArtificialIntelligence