Like A Faucet, Eliminate The Bad Water!

How To Keep Writing Even When It’s All Crap At First

Debi-Gold | Creative Writer
The Shortform


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As a burgeoning writer, getting past the first few words may seem daunting. Finding a punchy headline to reel your readers in or a superb intro that would keep them reading your article to the end might look impossible.

The more you let go of those incoherent words, the clearer your words become!

Like a hardly used faucet, to get to clean water, the bad water has to go. Only when you begin to write, from one sentence to the next, taking single steps at a time, you can get the right words out.

You need to put some words down and not just let them circle in your head. A mental rehearsal is different from the actual writing. It’s going to be messy on initial attempts, but the more you get the not-so-perfect words out, the better you become at your writing craft.

Cheers to your success!



Debi-Gold | Creative Writer
The Shortform

Creative Writer | Sharing my journey from a burgeoning writer to an expert and helping newbies embrace their creative journey |