Lisa Bonet: Must-See TV’s Cool Girl

A Taliswomen Short

Leah Welborn
The Shortform


Original artwork by the author

It’s difficult to convey what a big deal The Cosby Show was when it premiered in 1984. At the time, I was 11 years old and lived in a rural Texas town that was 100% white, so the Huxtable family in New York City was the height of sophistication to my little hick mind.

But it was Lisa Bonet, as the teenager Denise Huxtable, that made the show unmissable for me. She was so breathtakingly beautiful and so undeniably cool — I desperately wanted to be her.

As I went feral, so did she. My esteem for her skyrocketed with her scandalous Rolling Stone cover, her sexy voodoo movie Angel Heart, and her coupling with Lenny Kravitz.

Rolling Stone Cover by Matthew Rolston, 1988

For almost four decades now, Lisa Bonet has been the Bohemian princess I’ve always longed to be.



Leah Welborn
The Shortform

Empower Your Magical Self with me. I'm the Mystic Autistic, a writer and spiritual baddie.