Living in the moment

The need to embrace the present

Anisha Shah
The Shortform
1 min readSep 6, 2023


Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

We live in a world where we are constantly worrying about the future. We tend to plan for it and work consistently towards it. But most of the time we forget to enjoy the journey. It’s like travelling to a place without taking your time to engross in the beautiful places that you pass by on the road.

Living in the moment teaches you to work towards your goal while enjoying the little moments in your life. These moments make up our good memories which we cherish for our whole life. When we reach our goals, these occasional moments are the ones that have shaped us and made us into the person we have become.

Live one day at a time and make sure in spite of your busy schedule you make time to spend with your parents, listen to the birds sing and enjoy the moment as it is.



Anisha Shah
The Shortform

Aspiring writer embarking on first writing journey. Voracious reader and a compete nerd. Honing the craft of writing through blogs, stories and poems.