Lost Happiness In The Pursuit Of Unimportant Things: Life Passes And Where Are We?

B.W. Bibi
The Shortform
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2024

People live a generally accepted life and do not even realize the opposite of their nature. We respect the rules, go to school and work and chase expensive things that have become normal. We are less and less interested in social life. And in the end it all boils down to a template, we are just pawns on the board that someone puts every day in front of us. We are afraid to stop the game, we are afraid of uncertainty, and with pre-made moves, we feel safer…
They teach us everything we are given and accepted. Trends are followed, and prestige is chased.
But if you look at poor people in Africa, for example, they laugh more and children play more. They have nothing material. I saw smiling people in Thailand, also very poor.🙂

Photo by bennett tobias on Unsplash

So what’s the point?

There is always a way, you just have to choose wisely…



B.W. Bibi
The Shortform

Nature-loving Traveler, Writer, Engineer, Quality Auditor, Business Development Manager, Warrior for the free and smarter world. @bibiable😊 🌿🌍🌟