Love Unconditional

Can we love without a list of reasons why?

The Shortform


“Sunny Day Love” Designed by Carmellita (Author) in Canva

Authentic and unconditional love can have a ripple effect that will not only bring hope and joy to our lives, but it can inspire others.

Nevertheless, is unconditional love possible in today’s world when many relationships seem transactional? If the conditions change, does the love disappear?

I love you because you’re so strong. Will you love me when I’m weak or wounded?

I love you because you’re beautiful. Will you love me when my hair thins, or certain body parts aren’t so perky?

I love you because you’re supportive. Will you love me when I fall short?

I love you because you’re so smart. Will you love me when my cognition declines?

I say when here because conditions will change. And what happens then?

Can we love without a list of reasons why?

“Good Times and Bad Times” Designed by Carmellita (Author) in Canva

Fam, what’s unconditional love to you?



The Shortform

Writer, Poet, Storyteller, & Scholar. Co-founder of BA in Speech Communication. Former ghostwriter who came back to life.