Many Start, Few Finish. Learn the Secret to Finishing Anything You Do.

Without this, you are bound to give up again and again

The Shortform


Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

It's not about talent. It's about skillset & persistence.

1. Learn a skill

2. Reiterate it long enough, persisting through failures, self-doubt, criticism, and life's storms.

3. Success

Some are stuck at step 1.
Many give up at step 2.
Very few get to step 3.

What pulls people from one stage to the other is the ‘Why’.

Why are you even doing this?

Why did you start?

Why traverse a gorge that many have fallen into?


That why isn’t to discourage or disparage you, but to make you stop and think.

If you have a why already, continue, but if you don’t have a good why, I beg you to go get one first.

Cause when it eventually gets tough, you need that why like a flickering candle in a harrowing tunnel.

There has to be a strong personal heartfelt why keeping you company along the way.



The Shortform

I believe YOLO, but not in the hippie dare devil kind of way, although I am a bit of a hippie on most days, and I dare to go up against my fears often.