The Shortform
Published in
May 28, 2021


Medium Updates Tags and its Rules

Last night Medium notified me that their product page had new stories. Intrigued, I headed over to the stories suggested.

Based on what I read, it seems like they updated their rules.

They take plagiarism and misinformation more seriously, putting in checks for trolling and threatening behavior, keeping an eagle eye on articles about cryptocurrency, and more.

They also improved their tags functionality which I love. For smaller, lesser-known writers like me in this huge ecosystem, tags are a great way to discover my tribe. So, I, for one, am excited.

In fact, the desktop version itself looked different to me and closer to the fabulous version I enjoy on my iOs app.

Author Screengrab

How about you? Do you read updates and product information on Medium? What are your thoughts?



The Shortform

Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.