Mosquito Lagoon

Cape Canaveral National Seashore

Stacey Lynn Klug
The Shortform


photo courtesy of Karen Garvin

Are you a fan of mosquitos?

There is a place at Cape Canaveral referred to as the Mosquito Lagoon

I am assuming it is this trail here.

I couldn't find a sign indicating what this trail was named.

However, the swampy murky water indicated mosquitos would reside there.

We were on a cute little bridge that went over this swampy marsh-like place.

The smell was atrocious.

We didn't venture far up this trail.

The concept of getting lost out here didn't seem appealing.

It was an extremely hot and muggy day.

By now the sun was back out and we were ready to return to the beach.

In its own way, it still had a certain beauty to it!

But mosquitoes?



Stacey Lynn Klug
The Shortform

Writing has always been the very breath that substains me,