Motivate Yourself; No One Is Coming For You

A video clip changed my perspective

Agu Sergius Alex, MD ✨
The Shortform


Photo by Paris Lopez on Unsplash

I thought, ‘This little girl, no more than three years old, seems to understand better how the world works.’ She climbed onto the slide in the children’s park, placed her hands on her back, and pushed herself down the slide. It wasn’t the amount of force that moved her; it was her mindset and determination that she could do it herself, even if no one gave her the go-ahead push or cheer.

Many of us need to understand motivation, which prevents us from finding the take-off we need. We often seek validation, encouragement, and a burst of initial energy when seeking motivation. We have the ability, but we rely too much on external factors.

Photo by Paris Lopez on Unsplash

Are you still waiting for a push? It might take forever. Funny as it may sound, push yourself. Success happens on the runway. You can do it!



Agu Sergius Alex, MD ✨
The Shortform

Public Health Advocate Doctor| Health Content Creator | Sharing Practical Health Advice. Editor of Alive & Well, Private Curator & The Chapter