My Mentor Told Me I Am Very “Employable”

And I absolutely hated it.

Mich Chow
The Shortform


Mind you I love suits, but not if it comes with a corporate job. Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

In a recent conversation with my mentor of 5 years, I was told to cherish my Golden Ages and that I was very “employable”.

The sound of it, ugh, put a bad taste in my mouth.

Not because I don’t appreciate her intentions — I know she wants what she thinks is best for me — but because I haven’t made it my primary goal in life to be happily employed.

Having worked in a privately owned cafe and a public healthcare facility, I know with quite a resolute certainty that I much prefer to work for myself, whether it’s freelancing or running my own tiny one-person business.

Naturally, that person is no longer my mentor. We had our good times, but perhaps I’m ready for something different.

Has anyone told you something similar?



Mich Chow
The Shortform

An ex-coffee binger and a recovering procrastinator. This is where I process my curiosity.