My Parent’s Golden Wedding Anniversary

50 long years!

Grace Thomas
The Shortform
Jun 20, 2023


My Dad Kissing My Mom by Grace Thomas

My family just celebrated my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary last Saturday. It was tiring. We invited around 200 guests to the anniversary event. My feet hurt, and I didn’t have enough sleep, yet it was so satisfying.

It is hard nowadays to see a couple stay together for that long. In a world where marriages are easily crumbling, my parent’s relationship gives me hope that forever is real. Cheesy right?

While some people gave up their marriages when things go South, they kept on fixing theirs, so they perfectly fit each other. Relationship is always a work in progress. I see that now.

All I remember that day was my dad moving his leg to the beat of the band’s music (while sitting) and my mom (the extrovert), socializing and laughing with everyone she met.

My Parent’s Kiss Again by Grace Thomas

To forever ever after.



Grace Thomas
The Shortform

I like to talk to myself, inside the car, while driving. Thus, I think it would be best to share my thoughts with everyone.