Naomi Campbell: Terrifying Beauty

A Taliswoman Short

Leah Welborn
The Shortform


Original artwork by the author (image of Naomi Campbell from Wiki Commons)

Naomi Campbell truly terrifies me.

Among my Taliswomen, there are a few who take on mythical proportions in my mind. Naomi Campbell is one, a goddess for whom cruelty is a valid prerogative. We, mere mortals, are so tedious to the deities who walk among us.

I probably first saw her in my teens, when her star was just getting established among the great Supermodels.

I remember being mesmerized, thinking “cheetah — no panther” as I watched her runway walk for the first time. Her British accent further exoticized her to my Texan ears.

The fact that she has at times become physically violent with her employees is further indicia of her Olympian origins — show me a god void of anger issues!

I’d be afraid to meet her. I’m content to admire from afar.



Leah Welborn
The Shortform

Empower Your Magical Self with me. I'm the Mystic Autistic, a writer and spiritual baddie.