New Year Consumption… Resolutions. My bad!

Don’t be a consumption slave. Be a freedom master. Be yourself!

Anna A Techer
The Shortform
1 min readDec 31, 2022


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

New year. New beginnings. New consumptions. What will be yours?

Gym procrastinator

The feast, ravishing. The chocolate, delicious. Oh, and the drinks, intoxicating. How many pack did we drink again? Six! Time to refill. Run !

Diet eaters

The feast is still in you. I can see it! Chocolate in the jaws, meat on the belly and cake on the butt. Fast !

Soft workers

Success ahead ! Be a smart trainer. A soft skills killer, not a complacent worker. You’re not a wanna Be !

Lovers haters

‘Dinner is served’ For the goose: chopped, minced or boiled? Dating apps, love coach and love magasine. Set your price? Love is not Free.

‘How to be… In 2023?’ is a lie. Year numbers don’t matter, mindset does. Consumption is an illusion.

Run fast, be free!

Happy New Year !



Anna A Techer
The Shortform

Life is A-Maze-Ing... Working my way through it! Content writer | Entrepreneur | Deal breaker