One Minute Horror Story

The Nutty Putty Cave Accident

Theo Rose
The Shortform


From @Morbidful on X

I came across this incident on X about a man named John Edward Jones.

In 2009, Jones got stuck in the Nutty Putty Cave in Utah. He spent a horrific 28 hours trapped in a passageway measuring 10 by 18 inches. Rescuers were unable to extract him without injuring him. Here’s a diagram for reference:

From @Morbidful on X

Eventually, the cramped, inverted position of his body placed too much strain on his heart and Jones went into cardiac arrest. Sadly, he passed away. Afterward, the owner of the land and the Jones family agreed to seal the cave and close it to explorers.

Just reading about this makes me feel claustrophobic. Stuck in a cave with no way out, in the dark, head first in a passage smaller than a doorway — I can feel the cold sweat beading on my neck.

A nightmare.

A tragedy.

What do you think of cave exploring?

