Mind Opening Moments

Oscar the Grouch Please Never Focus On The Positive

Life would be so boring

Ella de Jong
The Shortform
Published in
1 min readJun 1, 2023


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

I love those horrible people who keep on complaining and blaming others, no matter how much sun is shining after days of rain.*

I love the characters like Oscar the Grouch and Alf (anyone remembering Alf??).

* I love those complaining and blaming people and characters … on screen. There they can make me smile and make me feel sorry for them.

I should feel sorry for them because I know this:

Live is hard for complaining, blaming, grumpy, grouchy people. Why is the world around them trying to cheer them up? Why is it necessary to look at what is good? What you think upon grows, so why does that have to be something beautiful and nice?

I hope that even a National Day for Oscar the Grouch on June 1, will not change him. The world would be so boring!

Bye, smile, Ella



Ella de Jong
The Shortform

Simple, passionate words about soft skills. Be uplifting at home, work, and school ✤ author - teacher - trainer - coach and Dutch mom💚 www.elladejong.com/en