Our Name Is Isabella

But this is not a story about me

Isabella Solcà
The Shortform


Two golden balloons, in the shape of a 5 and a 0, are pictured against a blue sky.
The balloons I bought to celebrate Isabella’s 50th birthday — Source: author’s personal collection

“Dear Isabella,

Some people leave their mark when coming into our lives; some others are not able to give us anything: when they depart, we barely feel their absence; others steal from us, leaving us as the shadow of who we were before encountering them.

Then, some people enter into our life and they will make sure to stay in our hearts forever. You are the friend who arrived unexpectedly and stayed, despite the many difficulties.

I want you to know that whatever will happen to us, you will be cherished in my heart and my soul.

With love,


Two months after writing this note, my friend Isabella, a cancer survivor, fell sick again: she fought for her life, we prayed for her recovery and she is now slowly getting better. She is now learning to communicate again, but I am sure she holds me dear in her soul.



Isabella Solcà
The Shortform

‘national geographic’ addict, traveler enthusiast, chinese beginner but most of all, elvis groupie