Overcoming the Lamest Excuse Ever

And it felt like a tiny win, but a win, nonetheless.

Yash Khullar
The Shortform
1 min readSep 15, 2023


Photo by Juan Rumimpunu on Unsplash

There’s been a power outage in my area since morning.

So, with the help of the backup, I’ve kept all my devices fully charged in case the repair work goes on overnight.

Current situation — It’s 6 PM, and the backup has died.

My first instinct was not to use my laptop (at 100%) and work on the next article. And that’s because I was worried the battery would run out and I wouldn’t be able to use it at night.

But my second thought was —

“Am I worrying about something that hasn’t even happened yet and using it as an excuse to procrastinate?”

If I’d let my overthinking brain take over, I wouldn’t be writing this.

And guess what? Within 15 minutes of writing this piece, the lights lit up at home.

Did it happen because I overcame a stupid excuse?

It’s practically doubtful, but sure as hell feels so.



Yash Khullar
The Shortform

Brand Voice Architect & Storyteller // I help brands develop a compelling voice that resonates with audiences and achieves business goals.