Panic Attacks and Your Body

Stop paying attention to sensations.

Bonnie Zucker
The Shortform


The word panic spelled out in red blocks on a blue background.
Photo by Andrey Metelev on Unsplash

Do you have out-of-the-blue panic attacks?

During the attacks, are you worried you’re having a heart attack or concerned about fainting or going “crazy?”

Panic symptoms feel scary, causing people to worry about their bodies. As a result, people pay too much attention to sensations and are looking out for another attack.

Panic attacks are not dangerous. However, the more you tune into your body, the more you notice.

This over-awareness could trigger another panic attack. Thus, body monitoring can keep you trapped in the cycle of panic and anxiety.

What to do about this?

Try to be aware of when you’re paying attention to body sensations. When you notice you are thinking about your sensations, redirect your attention to something outside your body.

Practicing diverting attention from your body is the first step in panic recovery!



Bonnie Zucker
The Shortform

I am a clinical psychologist and writer, and I specialize in anxiety prevention, education, and treatment.